Should You Re-open Your Business? Assess Your Options

When things return to some new form of normality following the COVID-19 disaster, many business owners will be itching to re-open their businesses as quickly as possible. However, it is highly unlikely that things will snap back to the way they were before the pandemic hit. The impact to you, your people, your customers, suppliers and your market has no doubt been significant so it’s really important to work through where you’re at right now and what the best options are for you to move forward. Re-opening may not be one of them. Your Finances There can be no doubt[...]

By |May 5th, 2020|Categories: Business, Business Continuity, Strategy|Comments Off on Should You Re-open Your Business? Assess Your Options

Business Continuity Planning and COVID-19

Back in 2011 I wrote an article entitled “Nature takes a massive swipe! Now what?” on the topic of business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning. At the time, the article coincided with a major natural event that had occurred in Queensland (Cyclone Yasi) and devasted many communities. Less than 10 years later, I am revisiting this topic after the horrific bushfires that raged across the east coast of Australia and the global Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The utter devastation to the global economy, national economy, state economies, and local economies is unfathomable. Industries shut down overnight. People out of work[...]

By |April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Business, Business Continuity, Strategy|Comments Off on Business Continuity Planning and COVID-19
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